This was another surprising colour - as this came out quite different from the rod. And - as a matter of fact - it was so shocky that I was quite discouraged. I tossed the whole lot in the kiln - and annealed it. I will have to try it again and see if that has helped.
I did notice that the annealed rods came out substantially greener and more like the colour of the beads. The annealed rod is the top rod in this picture.
There is little streakiness - and now that I've annealed the rods - I can perhaps play with this a bit more.
The colour itself is very nice - a nice blue green - organic without bordering on ugly.
I'll keep you posted on the post-annealed workability of this one!
I love to use O-D-Artichokey for vines and has enough striae to be interesting and seems to go well with I've pulled my last rods into stringers and have been searching for more to buy or trade (lower mainland of BC if anybody's out there)...Helen/Red Bird Beads