Hot off the crucible - so to speak - a new colour from CiM and yes - it is a teal that does not duplicate any of the Effetre/Vetro colours. Mermaid falls between Dark Turquoise - being just a little greener, and not quite as green as Petroleum Green. (Click on the image to see the larger version - it's more obvious then).

It does darken a little bit from the rod colour, and the rods that I have are a little thinner than usual. They have a nice shimmer that disappears with working - which I am now used to, but with every class - I always get students who are attracted to the shimmer of some of the rods and I have to break it to them that the glass doesn't retain that.

Mermaid is streaky, which doesn't bother me at all - I like streaky glass.

It's crazy reactive with ivory. Look at that deep, dark web effect! The dots almost look like fried eggs!

These spacers with Dk Turq and black dots and Ivory dots better illustrate the difference between the greener, tealier mermaid and the Dark Turquoise.

It's really nice to see this hole in the colour palette filled in.
Here's one more gratuitous spacer shot, just because. ;-)
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