I had seen some samples of Berry Creamy floating around that were a deep, rich purple, and so I decided to try some.

And I got this. Meh - like a dark violet with a lot of livering. Meh.
It was so far off the colour I was expecting that I decided to try again. And got very different results.
It was not actually my intention to make a purple horse - I figured that the livered violet would make a decent dun colour, but most of the livering - the brownish areas, is restricted to areas that are in the valleys and folds. The rest is a fairly nice, bright purple.
Raku (mostly) frit on the back.
I think this tells me something about some purples and the length of heating time. Frustrating if what you are trying to do is whack off a bunch of spacers
This is what he looked like just before going into the kiln. You can't really tell what colour he will be. Even the shading is different.
You can get the purple out of this colour - but it's going to take some time. And heat.
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