It is a dark cherry-jam colour that will function as an opaque, but if you use it very thin - it will reveal itself as a transparent.
Try it over white or clear, in stringers, twisties or filigrana.
Two self-coloured spacers.
With the light hitting at just the right angle, you can see some light gleaming through the edge of the bead.
The tips of these doodads are not completely struck out.
And backlit - you can appreciate the colour.
And if you get it thin enough - it's a pretty glorious red!
And, of course - it is stiff like a transparent - so if you need that - this might be better than an opaque for you.
As with the CiM reds in general - I see no trace of "livering" - that unpleasant brownish cast that plagues some of the transparent reds.
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