Next Saturday (May 14) - beadFX is hosting a Lampworks' Trunk Show (10 - 5pm) at their Scarborough store.
This is a small, informal, one-day show where artists can get their feet wet doing a show in a safe, friendly environment. There will be some veteran lampworkers there too - and it's a nice low-key opportunity for them - without the pressure of a big show. Demo's go on all day in the attached studio - which is great for customers who come in and want to know more about how the beads are made. Customers can also shop for beads and findings to go with the lampwork.
If you're in the area - you might enjoy dropping in. I personally have another commitment, and won't be there for more than a few hours in the morning, if that - but I'm sure you'll find looking at everyone's work really inspiring.
And if you are not - perhaps you'd like to approach your own local bead store and see if they would like to partner with you on something similar. All it takes is a few lampworkers, some tables and a few tableclothes. Even if they don't have studio space, you could run videos of lampwork on a laptop so that people can see how it's done. It's good for the store, as it brings extra people and inspires them to shop. It's good for the lampworkers - they get to sell some beads and meet some potential clients.
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