This is Deb Read - performing for the crowd (seriously - the onlookers aren't in the picture.) She whips off big, funky hollow fishies all day long at these things. Like me - she considers it to be more fun to torch than to babysit her booth. All the beads she made yesterday, she is donating to the beadFX Breast Cancer basket. (BeadFX keeps a basket of beads by the cash register - 100% of the proceeds of the sale go to Breast Cancer charities.)
While others are set up in the class room - with a little more room to maneuver.
That's Erin of AirWynn Glass in the background, with the short hair. She of the formerly long hair. She can tell you a good place to NOT get your long hair cut. A place I will be avoiding, let me tell you. The new do is very pretty and flattering - but speaking as someone who knows what it is like to have
That's Peter - Peter Norton of Nortel Mfg - (inventor of the Minor torch and other stuff) - mugging for the camera.
We spent some time playing with the press - and I cored three beads with 1/2 inch holes. This is more like what I had in mind!
Deb told me about a device that is for holding tubing for cutting that holds it and gives you a straight edge to cut - which I either have to get or invest in a cut-off saw - because I just suck at cutting the tubing straight. Really! It takes me longer to square up the tube than to core the bead.
This is Julie Beverstein's rather clever display. Good for showing all sides of the bead.
While this display is more organic,
and this is the "traditional" ;-)
"beads on the table and in bowls" approach.
Jody and Shannon - they got the best natural light in their spot by the door!
I didn't get pics of everyone - but for more details on who was there - that was posted on the beadFX blog.