
Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Effetre 233: Canyon - Does the world need another turquoise?

Does the world need another turquoise - why - yes - Yes it does. Apparently.

Of course it does - it's TURQUOISE!

The latest batch of Effetre Light Turquoise 232 is quite greenish in the rod - but comes out pretty similar to it's old colour when worked.

My initial thought was that it looked like 236 Dark Turquoise,but no - it is lighter than that.

It does, in fact, fall smack between the two.

Like all the other copper based blues, it reacts with sulfur-based colour to produce a dark grey border like - or, to put it another way - it does the usual thing when you put ivory dots on it. 

And it did develop the steely gray haze. 

Here, on the left size, (with the black dot) - is Canyon, and on the right - Dark Turq. Ivory dots on both. 
 The blue dot is on the Canyon on the left, and the Light Turquoise is on the right.
 Again - the ivory dots.
 The three colours, side by side.
 And here - I've reduced the crap out of it. From the left, Canyon, Light Turq, and Dark Turq.
 I could only get the red reduction on the Light Turquoise. The Dark Turquoise has gone quite metallic.

Well - I didn't know I needed another turquoise, but apparently - I do. Yay, Turquoise!

Actually - I often turn to a Lauchsa turquoise for a bright, "Sleeping Beauty" turquoise - this might replace it.

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