
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Effetre 757 Ka-Bluey

 Ka-Bluey - another in Effetre's new streaky blue offerings. This is a dark blue + grey - like storm clouds on a summer's day - ready to explode into durm and strang. Whether you get more or less of the blue or the grey depends, I think, the rod and where you are in it, rather than any particular working technique.

I really like this one. My kinda glass.


  1. Sadly, the version Frantz is currently selling bears no resemblance to the one above. Absolutely no streaks whatsoever. I shall covet the two remaining rods I have of the original.

  2. I got mine from Nortel (Canada). Jean says she still has this batch ...

  3. I'll have to check out Nortel. I hate the thought of shipping charges. Thanks!

  4. I agree with Julie - even though mine is from Frantz, I've still got some nice color out of it but nothing like this.

  5. I agree with Julie - even though mine is from Frantz I'm not getting this color out of it. This is lovely!
