
Saturday, September 01, 2012

CiM 506 Moana Ltd Run


CiM Moana - described as a "teal opal" by CiM.

The sample beads are laying on my desk - catching my eye, over and over.

CiM has classified this with the blues - as opposed to the greens - and it is that shade of blue-green that you could argue all day that it belongs with the greens - until you put it next to a grass green - and then you put it with the blues - until you put it next to a royal blue.

Truly - right down the middle - this is a translucent teal - and it positively glows. The photos do not begin to do it justice.

Below, we have (from the Left) - a Marker bead in Effetre Petroleum Green (for reference), Self-coloured Moana, Self-coloured Moana with Ivory Dots (look at that edge pattern! Whoo hoo!) - and Moana over white.

Your monitor will vary - on mine - it appears bluer than it does on my desk - but so does the pet. green - so the relationship between the two stays the same.

This is a really, really lovely colour.


  1. Gorgeus colour! And love the effect with the ivory.

  2. Mmm, this colour looks yummy indeed. On my monitor the bead with ivory dots looks to be a much darker shade of teal (love it). Is that how it looks on your desk?... and if so, do you know why the blue came out darker on this bead? Gail
