
Saturday, December 24, 2011

TAG Tibet - Opaque vs Clear

Tibet, from Trautman Art Glass - is "a transparent version of Dalai Lama"  - according to their website. So imagine my surprise when the latest batch that I picked up was opaque in the unworked rod.

The opaque variation is significantly easier to strike!

Here we have, the Tibet (Opaque) on the left of the black line, with significantly more colours - and Tibet (Clear rod) on the right.

Same bead, different side.
All of these are the Tibet-clear rod, and encased. The two on the left just would not strike. The two on the right struck - but I'm not that enamored of the colour.
These four are the Tibet-opaque - you can see that I had a lot more success with these! These are also all encased.

Here we have, three on the right that are the Tibet - opaque, and the two on the left, were a mix of the clear and opaque. All are encased.

I'm gonna scoop up all of this batch I can get my hands on - it is waaaay nicer to work.

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