
Saturday, October 03, 2009

CiM 487 Poison Apple

CiM Poison Apple - a vibrant, sizzling green. Disappointingly, although it looks like a translucent colour - after kilning - it goes opaque.

(Paddle on the top - kiln annealed, rod on the bottom, not annealed.)

These are two self coloured spacers.

While these were encased, and seem to have retained a little of that translucency. In any case, they are very juicy looking.

The bead on the left is encased, rather messily, I'll admit, and the one on the right is a thin layer over clear.

On the left, a thin layer over white, and on the right, bicolour teamed up with Vetro Green Parrot.

And finally, with Ivory dots. No reaction.

I love the translucent glasses - so I'm disappointed that this loses it's transparency. It seems to stay a little darker and a little "juicier" in colour when encased.

Overall - a really nice, bright green.

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