
Monday, December 01, 2008

Vetro 236 - Equivalent to Moretti 236?

Yep - Vetro 236 is equivalent to the Moretti/Effetre 236 - Dark Turquoise. It reacts with Ivory to produce those lovely, dark lines, exactly the same way!

In the 2nd pic, these two beads are dotted with the Mor. "Curdled Ivory" (Dark Ivory).

In this 3rd pic, the bead on the left is dotted with Vetro Light Ivory, and the bead on the right is dotted with Vetro Dark Ivory.

This bicone is also made with Vetro 236 Dark Turq. - and the design is Vetro Dark Ivory.

The final pic is the beads cleaned and soaked in CLR to remove the dull grey metallic sheen that happens in the kiln (slight reduction) - to restore them to their lovely turquoise colour.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 p.m.

    Ooooh! Very nice, Dwyn! And Frantz is offering 35% off on Vetro right now.
